Reimbursement & Billing Tools

Understanding medical, pharmaceutical and laboratory testing policy is at the heart of making sure patient claims are successful. Ensuring the patient meets eligibility criteria, submitting the correct documentation and adherence to coding requirements all ensure an effective claim. Explore now and reduce claim denials.

Quickly find the payer policy documents you need by using our interactive dashboard.

Search by document type, therapy category, payer, state and plan type, to find the desired document(s). We offer a link to that exact document so that you can review the material for yourself.

    • Medical Policies 
    • Pharmaceutical Policies 
    • Reimbursement Policies 
    • PA Forms 
    • Coding Guidelines 
    • Provider Manuals 
    • Fee Schedules 
    • More..

What’s more, we’ll let you know at a glance when a given document was last updated.

Access the most comprehensive payer policy database on the market with our live Policy Database subscription.

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Simplifying search for reimbursement requests and coverage by providing you access to HCPCS or CPT codes.

Payers can have dozens of fee schedules that contain thousands of codes. Finding the right fee schedule can be a challenge and navigating the document can also prove time-consuming. Our Fee Schedule tool provides you access to fee schedules in a centralized location.

With the Fee Schedule tool, you can quickly find supporting documents by:

  • Medical Code and
  • Payer(s)

Enhance your market access with our comprehensive Payer Data services. When it comes to payer insights, we have the statistics and information you need to give your organization the edge.

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