Fee Schedule Dashboard

Our Fee Schedule tool simplifies the search for reimbursement requests and coverage by providing you access to a simple search supporting HCPCS or CPT codes.

Medicare and Medicaid fee schedules can be extremely difficult to find and navigate, with thousands of medical codes in each file. Finding a Payers reimbursement rate for a given code can be a time-consuming ordeal. The Fee Schedule Dashboard provides an easy-to-use, intuitive and standardized way to access all Medicaid and Medicare fee schedules in one place.

Simply search by:

  1. Medical code and
  2. Payer(s)

And that’s it! With just those 2 pieces of data, we’ll give you a host of valuable information including:

    • The reimbursement rate
    • The facility vs. non-facility cost
    • Max. or min. Age restrictions
    • Any modifier codes


Reimbursement rates can vary based on a number of various criteria, so we provide a graph visualization that indicates at-a-glance the minimum, median and maximum rates and the number of rates at that level.


Our tools can enhance and optimize your market access strategy

to help you ensure you are achieving the broadest possible coverage for your therapy, medical device or drug.

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