Coverage Viewer™

Our Coverage Viewer tool is a powerful, user-friendly dashboard to learn about your therapeutics coverage criteria across almost all Payers in the U.S.

Common Uses of the Coverage Viewer

Sales and Market Access teams use the Coverage Viewer tool to identify, assess, and optimize patient access for the select therapeutics of interest. It is designed so that each of your account managers can strategically focus their sales efforts, select and view their territories and inform physicians of the latest criteria.

By utilizing the Coverage Viewer, you can quickly view, monitor, and analyze coverage for your therapeutic, as well as alternative therapies, instantly across all 50 states from one place, enabling you to effectively strategize and ensure commercial success.


Coverage Viewer – Pharmacy Lives

Providing the best in class policy coverage criteria layered with pharmacy covered lives figures.

In addition to Coverage Viewer, CV-Rx combines Policy Coverage Criteria with Pharmacy Covered Lives to be able to assess health plans and PBMs on top of Payers. We report both PBM Covered Lives and PBM Client (health plan) Covered Lives for pharmacy benefit coverage to better differentiate access and coverage criteria.

The data set is configurable to best suit your market access needs.


Informing Your Providers

Our tool enables your team to export either a simplified or detailed summary of coverage criteria for easy access to providers offline.

At each provider meeting, your account manager can bring this summarized report, which highlights coverage for your therapeutic by plan.

Maximize your product's coverage potential with Policy Reporter’s Acumen Suite.

Book a demo with one of our experienced sales team today to find out more about how our data can optimize your sales strategies.

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